We try to keep our terms and conditions straightforward and these guidelines explain what you can expect from us and what we, in return, expect from you. By booking with us you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
Payment for sessions
If you wish to book a place for your child, payment must be made in advance of attending sessions. We CANNOT accept children on the day if they are not booked.
In the unlikely event that we have to cancel a session, we will book your child on to an alternative session of your choice and will contact you at the earliest opportunity. This will only happen in the event of extreme weather conditions, lack of take up or events beyond our control. See WEATHER below.
Cancellation by Parent / Carer
We ask that you give us a minimum of 24 hours’ notice to cancel a session. If you cancel within the 24hr period, we will generally not be able to offer a refund as we will have assigned staff and resources. If you cancel due to illness within the 24-hour period, any refund will be at our discretion.
Holiday Club Registration
Drop off and registration is from 9 – 9:30, please do not arrive before this time as we will be in the woods preparing for the day. If your child will arrive late, please contact us so that a member of staff is available to greet your child at the gate, we ask that this is only in exceptional circumstances as it will disrupt our planned activities.
You are responsible for signing your child in and out each day, if someone else is collecting your child please notify a member of staff on arrival.
No adults may accompany children on our holiday club without prior arrangement with us. We require a current DBS check before allowing adults to accompany, and this is at our discretion.
Late Collection
Please let us know if you will be late in collecting your child, we may charge for extra time spent looking after your child unless previously agreed.
Medical / Activity and Photo Consent Forms
Please ensure you complete all details on our booking form. Any information that you give will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not prejudice the inclusion of your child in any activity. It is in the interests of your child that you give us full and accurate information.
Our session leader holds a current outdoor first aid and incident management certificate, however, you are responsible for ensuring that we have any relevant medical information at registration. If any medication is required during the day, please ensure it is clearly labelled and instructions are given to the session leader at registration.
All allergies and dietary requirements should be listed on the consent form.
We will require your consent for your child to participate in activities involving the use of hand tools and knives. We have a comprehensive tool use policy and this will be as deemed appropriate to the group’s ages and ability. All tool use will be under adult supervision, after a safety talk and form part of our risk assessments.
Our handling of all information provided to us during booking will comply with current data protection legislation. We will not sell or disclose your personal details to any other agencies. Emails provided for booking purposes will not be automatically added to our mailing list, you will need to subscribe to receive news, updates and event information. Please click here to read our full Privacy Policy.
Whilst we respect the privacy of individuals we do take photographs during sessions which may be used for future publicity. We always ask for your permission and where images are used for promotional purposes, no personal information is included.
Family Activities
Activities which advertise ‘’ accompanied’’ means a responsible adult over 18 years old. Any person attending our activities as such must adhere to our health and safety guidelines and follow the instructions of the activity/event leader.
We believe every child should be given opportunities to enjoy positive outdoor experiences that inspire and challenge them to develop. We will look for the positive in every session and reinforce this with praise and reward to build self-esteem and a sense of well -being.
In the ( very unlikely) event that your child behaves in some way that even we cannot deal with, we may ask you to remove them from the remainder of the session. We also reserve the right to withdraw your child from future bookings without refund.
‘’ There’s no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes’’
Having the right clothes and shoes can make the difference between children having a great time or feeling miserable. We intend to have lots of fun, please understand that this will include play, exploration and may include mud! We accept no liability for dirty or torn clothing.
Please see our checklist below:
We will provide a mid-morning drink and campfire snack, any dietary requirements should be included on the session consent form. Please send your child with an appropriate packed lunch and additional drinks and snacks and bear in mind, we will be outside and active all day – it’s no fun being hungry in the woods after a busy day!
Please ensure your child does NOT bring any knives or penknives with them. During activities, there will be an opportunity for tool and knife use, with our own kit. However, this will be as deemed as appropriate to the groups age and ability, after a safety talk and form part of our risk assessment. Any other knives will be confiscated by staff and returned to parents on pick up.
Mobile Phones
Please do not allow your child to bring a mobile phone or any other electronic device with them to our sessions, unless by prior arrangement. If you wish your child to have a phone with them for security reasons only, please contact us and ensure your child understands that they must not take photos whilst on site.
Sessions will not run if the Met weather forecast shows a predicted wind speed of 40mph or above for any part of the day. In these circumstances, we will make a decision to cancel on the evening previous day. We will inform parents/guardians by email and text using the information you supply at booking. We will also put a note on the home page of our website. If we cancel because of adverse weather you will be offered a day in lieu. We do not offer cash refunds for bad weather cancellations.
If unpredicted high winds or thunderstorms develop during a session then we will evacuate the site immediately. In that instance, we will contact you via the emergency numbers you give at booking and ask you to arrange to collect your child. We do not offer refunds or days in lieu for cancellations due to lightning/high winds developing during the day.
Very occasionally we may end a day early due to extremely inclement conditions, this decision is taken at the discretion of the leader at the site on the day, based upon their judgement on the welfare of the children and we do not offer part refunds.