
Heart of the Woods Forest School

What is our

Forest School

Forest school uses the great outdoors as its classroom and nature as its store cupboard. Children are encouraged to explore, observe and question the natural environment around them, increasing their independence, and connection with the environment. Natural play encourages problem solving and discovery, child led learning at its best. Through small achievable activities, children have the opportunity to succeed; developing confidence, motivation and self-esteem.

Forest school encourages children to take responsibility for themselves and others, to understand risk and how to make the appropriate choices. They will learn to work with others, develop social and emotional skills and resilience.  Our sessions may include exploration, use of tools, shelter building, group games, using natural materials for art and enjoying a drink around the campfire. We are committed to recognising the individuality of every child and giving them the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of outdoor learning. We actively work to support children in meeting their full potential, irrespective of age, gender, race, disability or background. We also employ a range of methods to meet preferred learning styles and individual needs, value the contribution of every child and celebrate it, whilst encouraging responsibility for their actions, making appropriate choices and increasing independence.


We currently offer forest school sessions to:


Home education students:  These are currently running weekly on a Wednesday afternoon, tickets and further information is on the calendar.


Schools & early years: We are pleased to be able to offer both one-off sessions tailored to a topic/current curriculum or blocks of regular forest school sessions. Please contact us for prices and to discuss your needs.

Workshops In

Woodland Skills

In searching for the most sustainable methods of caring and managing the woodland, we have been reviving traditional skills that have previously been practised for hundreds of years.

woodland skills

Horses were traditionally used to extract timber, part of Jo’s family heritage. In Winter 2017, we successfully worked with a team of horses and were amazed at their low impact on the ground, ability to deal with difficult terrain or work between trees. The sheer speed and ease with which timber is moved, without impact or diesel has proven their worth.

Heart of the Woods Forest School

The traditional method of managing large areas of woodland in Britain for centuries, extending the life of trees and providing a rich bio-diversity for insects and flora, by cutting poles back to the stool, creating a continual source of poles for use. Cubit Woods contains an area of forgotten hazel coppice with hornbeam standards and over the next ten years, we look forward to restoring areas in small coups (plots) using traditional methods.

woodland workshops
Green Woodwork

From gates to chairs, axe handles to spoons, all traditionally were made from green wood and primarily out in the woodland itself. We look forward to hosting a variety of experiences, creating beautiful and useful objects in a natural environment

woodland skills

Another traditional skill making a revival and using the outcomes of coppicing. The majority of charcoal used in Britain is currently imported, yet on a small scale charcoal burning will provide a sustainable product from the woodland and we are excited to be taking possession of a kiln this summer.

Bonding &

Team Building

Why not bring your team to share a day in the great outdoors! We don’t offer paintballing or survival skills; rather a chance to enjoy nature, undertake challenges that build communication and team problem solving and share lunch around the campfire. Please get in touch to discuss how we could build a day to suit your team.

Heart of the Woods Team building
Birthday Parties at Heart of the Woods

Birthday Parties

In The Woods

Come and discover a birthday wonderland in the woods where children can just be children and explore the great outdoors. We have 6 themes to choose from and offer both catered and uncatered options.


Will you go on a woodland adventure, meet the fairys of the woods or will you enjoy sharing butterbeer around the fire with your fellow wizards?

Take a look at what events and courses we have coming up